Thursday, July 28, 2011

Putting my mind at ease!

I called into my Doctor's office this am with some questions, upon the nurse calling back she scheduled me to come in today. I loved the Midwife I met with and she answered all of my questions. She did another ultrasound and measured the heartbeat which was coming in around 140 beats per minute. She said everything was progressing beautifully. Next appointment, genetic counseling, and ultrasound are August 25th. Stay tuned!!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I changed some of the settings around as I was informed no one could leave comments. I was able to post a comment under "anonymous." Maybe everyone could select this feature then leave their name under the comment? Enjoy everyone and please keep the feedback coming so I can "try" and fix it!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Squirrel head?????

We told Brock about the pregnancy and showed him the photo of the ultrasound. His response "Is that a squirrel head?" Of all things the picture could be mistaken for maybe the moon, or underwater, space you get the point, his response is, Is that a squirrel head? Lol, the imagination of a 5 year old boy! He has told us that he would like a sister. Hopefully our little fetus holds up to it's end of the deal or we could have a dissappointed little boy! Either way, I'm sure he'll love it the same!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

First Dr. appointment/ultrasound

We went to the Dr.s on Friday and has this in office ultrasound photo taken. Everything is progressing well, including my morning sickness which I was prescribed Zofran to try and curb. I am measuring about 5 days behind which at this point is essentially perfect. We go back in 5 weeks which will put me at 12 weeks or so! I also go for an "official ultrasound" somewhere between 10-12 weeks for the first trimester genetic screening. We opted for this strictly to see the baby during the ultrasound.  Apologies for the super crooked photo! The baby is small circle within the black circle.


Belly: Not too much of a bump, mostly bloat that is unable to be sucked in :(

Weight Gain: Down 3 pounds, this is normal for the first trimester.

Boy/Girl: Never to early to start this guessing game, we have a 50% shot either way, right now we're saying girl due to the massive morning sickness and nausea.

Feeling: Very ill, not sleeping so well, and very full!

Cravings: Nothing in the last two weeks, actually it's been a chore to even eat.

All in all, I am feeling the full effect of First Trimester Pregnancy, hopefully this calms in the next few weeks! Very excited to get our news out and begin our long 32 weeks and a few days wait!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's official!

A baby! Yes, Keith and I are expecting a baby! We suspected that maybe I was pregnant so on July 5th, 2011 I took a test and it was indeed positive. Then on July 7th, 2011 I took a second test which was positive as well. We are very excited and couldn't be happier! The stats as of now look like this.....
I am 5 weeks 4 days so still a long way to go.
Due date right now looks like on or around March 09, 2012.
Me, feeling very bloated, tired, and can't sleep.
Keith, worried!
Kids, they do not know yet!

We go to the doctor's July 14th and July 21st. We will post updates at that time!