Tuesday, February 28, 2012

38 week appt

We had an appt yesterday. All is well and we are currently at 5 cm, 100 % effaced, and -1 station. We had been at -2 for weeks and baby finally moved down. They said any day and can't believe it hasn't happened yet. Keith says tomorrow LEAP DAY! How weird would that be?! Stay tuned!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Induction Update

As of Monday, we decided against induction. The dates they gave us were nothing to get excited over and just didn't really work out for us. I also found it extremely hard and weird to pick my child's birthday. So we decided to skip this step until 41 weeks. I am now impressed with how far I made it and would love to say that I went past due! Especially after being 5 cm dilated for so long! We go to the Drs on 2/27/12 so we'll update then!

Friday, February 17, 2012

37 Week Appt

We had our 37 week appt this afternoon and it was a rather pleasant visit. First, for the first time I think the whole pregnancy I was up nearly 3 pounds.....yay, I've been dying to gain weight the entire pregnancy. Funny it happens when it is nearly the end. The resident Dr. came in and as everyone knows I don't care to see different Drs, I just think it's pointless, they don't know what's going on and I always feel like I'm heard. She measured my belly all is well there, listened to the heartbeat, which is still 140s, and that was it. She did make the remark who would have thought you would still be pregnant, based on my past history. We got into a discussion on an end point should labor not start on it's own and she told me 41 weeks. Well this is something I just didn't agree with and needless to say I became annoyed. She said she was going to get Dr. Curtain to sign off. I said well aren't you going to check me, (meaning my cervix)? She said no, it's not standard procedure, which I think is a load of bull, anyways, she proceeds to say do you want checked, um yes, I live an hour from the hospital, I want to know what's going on. I am finally 5 cm, I have progressed from 4. She goes and gets Dr. Curtain, who comes in alone and he finds it absurd to wait until 41 weeks and said if I do not have a baby by 39 weeks, he will induce. He said I am very good candidate for induction as I am dilated to a 5 and things should progress very quickly, although he said I should go within the next week. This is why I am so adamant on seeing the same Dr. he clearly knows what is going on and where it may be standard procedure to induce at 41 weeks I don't feel as though I am a standard case, I mean look at all the crap we have been through. We go back next Friday, and I believe if I understood right, if I am still pregnant at that time we will schedule our induction date. I still can't believe I went into preterm labor at 33 weeks and without any medication have managed to make it to the point of being induced. I'm not a fan of the whole induction process, however I am less of fan of staying pregnant until 41 weeks, so I'm hoping and praying baby decides to come within the next week or so. Stay tuned......

Monday, February 13, 2012

36 Week appt

I'm so shocked that I've made it this far, truely a milestone for me. In any event, we had our appt on Friday, absolutely no changes except I'm down a pound. I seriously struggled with this the whole pregnancy and I know it's due to the nausea and morning sickness but it bothers me. I'm just a couple of pounds from where I started. I should be eating everything in sight!!! Oh well! Like I said, absolutely no changes and we return in a week. We did have an ultrasound done, but baby is so head down that the profile pictures are just lacking! I'll post once I check them out on the cd.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

35 Week Appt

So we went to the Dr yesterday and everything is pretty much the same. I'm down a pound which is normal for the end. My belly is only measuring 36 weeks now which again is normal because my uterus is starting to drop. Dr. says anyday for baby but will not take induction methods for another 2-3 weeks. Baby is approximately 6 1/2-7 pounds so a nice healthy weight. Totally getting excited as it really is any day now! We discussed birth plans and pain management options. I've never had an epidural or pain management but also never delivered a baby of this size so I am keeping my options open. All we can really say is stay tuned and we're ready.