On Friday 12/30 I met with the Dietician at the Med Center. While I was extremely hesistant on meeting with her, she turned out to be incredibly helpful. My consult with her was titled low weight gain/gestational diabetes. She said she is treating me for nausea. My hyperemesis/constant nausea is the cause of my low weight gain and also causing my gestational diabetes to worsen. She said I have been eating 1 maybe 2 meals for so long that with constant nausea that now my body does not recognize hunger, when it does get hungry it automatically begins to feel nausea. The reason for the increase here in the last few weeks is because the baby is bigger and I am feeling hungrier. She stated I am very similar to someone with anorexia only I am involuntarily this way. Her solution is to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day regardless......sounds hard right? I thought it would be. She explained to me, she is not worried about my weight gain, gestational diabetes, or anything of the sorts, she is only concerned with making my nausea go away. Since I have not been eating
much what fills me up is much less than what would fill someone else up. She wants to retrain my body to feel hunger. So a typical day for someone who doesn't want to eat could go something like this. Breakfast 2 slices of toast, am snack 1 saltine, lunch 1/2 a grilled cheese, pm snack a few almonds or nuts, dinner starch and veggie, before bed snack a fiber bar. Again this is the minimum. So far I have had more food than this, but her point is to kick in hunger and stomp out nausea therefore making me a happy girl. Mornings are rough, and I don't typically start eating until 11-12 so therefore, I feel like I spend the rest of the day doing nothing but eating. But I haven't been nauseated at all. I did get sick twice this morning, but that was because Keith and I slept in and he didn't give me my pill. I feel so much better even with only doing 3 days of this eating schedule. She said I am so depleted of everything because the baby is a leech and is literally taking all of my nutrients. I have slept less, have more energy, and I really think I look better. I've had a few comments the last few days on how tired I look. So I am very pleased with her work and can't wait to report back to her on January 12th! No appts until then as well, so we will update medically then!
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