Thursday, September 29, 2011

17 Week Appt

We have made it to 17 weeks and everything is progressing beautifully! We had an ultrasound and consult with Maternal Fetal Medicine this morning. The ultrasound went well AND NO WE DID NOT FIND OUT WHAT WE ARE HAVING! Our consult went well also. Our new high risk dr, Dr. Curtain has decided the goal for pregnancy is 34 weeks and I have about a 70% chance of getting to that. I do begin 17 hydroxy progesterone in two weeks to prevent preterm labor. This medicine is giving intramuscular via a weekly shot! Yuck! Keith unfortunately is going to be giving me these shots and I don't think he is thrilled by this. He has decided to see us back in 2 weeks where we will have a transvaginal ultrasound to check my cervix and the normal belly ultrasound. Today the baby's head was jammed right up against my cervix, in the exact position you would want a baby to be in around 38-40 weeks. The baby is measuring right on time so despite my lack of weight gain all is fairing out well! Our appointments will remain just about the same, averaging about every 2 weeks. I will be posting the ultrasound photos on another post so stay tuned!

Belly - Getting rounder, not so much bigger.

Weight Gain - Non existent, :( I'm under where I started at my 7 week appointment. Hopefully, I start gaining some soon.

Boy/Girl - Still saying girl, but Keith this week has begun calling it "him"

Feeling - Pretty good, some back aches here and there. But feeling pretty good and have a decent amount of energy.

Sleep - Same as before, no real changes there.

Cravings - None really this week. This is really beginning to bother me. I want to eat!!

Morning Sickness - We actually have this under control by Keith giving me medicine when he awakes in the morning. I haven't vomited since Sunday morning.....however, due to some insurance crap and changes I am now limited to 12 pills a month, YIKES! Not sure how this is going to pan out. And needless to say I'm not very happy. Hopefully like all the books say, this should end by 20 weeks!

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