Friday, September 2, 2011

Spoke to soon.....

Yes, I believe I spoke to soon regarding the morning sickness. At this point it's all day and night sickness even while I sleep. Holy Hannah, it's been awful! It's Friday at 3:00 and I stopped counting at 11 times so far. I've taken my medicine and absolutely no relief. I sure hope this lifts soon. I'm not sure how much more I can take. Not only is it affecting me, but if you are in the bathroom, I barge right in. If you're in the kitchen fixing something to eat and I smell it, to the garbage can I go. I felt bad for Keith Thursday morning as he was making his breakfast I was getting sick next to him in the sink. Thank goodness he is a super supporting, fabulous man who always tries to give me a hand and make me feel better. It's got to get better right! I want to crave food at random hours of the night like my other pregnant friends!!! Soon, I keep telling myself, soon!

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