Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day

 Don't take my picture Mom!
Attempt 2, better! 

Attempt 3, after which I gave up. Owen just wasn't into it! We celebrated St. Patrick's Day by going to Kohl's (Owen and Keith waited in the car), Going to Target for our baby carrier (so excited to try this out), and going to best buy to purchase a new tv for our bedroom! What a perfect way to spend a first holiday with Owen.....TOGETHER! Every year, for Brock before going to bed I tip over chairs, make green foot prints, sprinkle the house with gold coins, etc. This year, Brock was at his dad's so I purchased Gold Coins as I always do and just called and told him that the Leprechaun came and trashed our house again. Brock exclaimed, REALLY?! Can't wait to do the same for Baby Owen! Happy St. Patrick's Day Owen! 

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