Friday, March 9, 2012

Owen's Birth Story

We arrived at the hospital Friday, March 2nd 2012 at 8:05 AM. I decided to freak out and cry and panic and just be emotional for nearly 2 1/2 hours before actually getting any type of intervention to speed things along. Dr. Benton came in and decided to start oxytocin to get my cervix to change. So the nurse started an iv and a few minutes later the oxytocin was started. Not even 20 min later I was starting to cramp so they checked me. I was 6 cm already. Dr. Benton decided it was then time to break my water. About 20 min after her breaking my water, I began to literally beg for the epidural. I was growing more and more uncomfortable by the second and just couldn't handle the intensity anymore. The fabulous gentleman came in to do the epidural and I was very uncomfortable during the whole process. At this time is when Maddie arrived to be present during birth. As soon as they were finished doing the epidural I begged for Dr. Benton to come check me, knowing something wasn't quite right. Sure enough, I was 10 cms and ready to push. She left to get the push tray and quickly returned. Little did we know an hour later Mr. Owen would finally arrive. Yes, it took over an hour of pushing because he was sunny side up and just couldn't seem to get himself all of the way out. During the pushing, his heart rate would plummet and just when they started to worry, and threatened him with the vacumn extraction out he came. Owen Keith Nye arrived at 1:40 PM weighing 7 pounds 5.1 ounces 20 inches long.

Before we left for the hospital.

Owen Keith Nye

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